Sunday, November 4, 2007

The Creation

First of all I would like to say. Welcome to my blog. I have to start this fiasco with a dedication to Scott and James. Without them I never would have created a blog...really. I'm not joking. The second thing I have to say is a disclaimer on this. I was never meant to be a writer. In my head I like to think that I could speak or write eloquently, but what comes out is closer to a joke. Next, I would like to say that I picked this font because it makes me feel like I'm writing on an old typewriter and that makes me a little happy.
Ok, for today. Today was insane. It has been one of the longest days of the year...literally. We had an extra hour tacked on the beginning. Our family has six daughters and one son. As it turns out I think that God might have been playing a joke on us. Ok, I don't actually think it, but sometimes it feels that way. We like to joke around that we were the damaged six-pack in heaven with a bonus of a son. Today was living proof of that. Four grumpy girls riding in a car for an hour and then joining a mother, and another pregnant sister does not add up to a good time. I know at least two of us cried today. Other than that today wasn't bad. I got to go to Stake Conference and take picture notes and draw stick figure animals, and I got to flirt a little. Well, for my first blog it may be long...and rambly, but don't say that the name didn't warn you. Chow (that's puppy chow)


Scott said...

Off to a good start! Isn't this exciting?

jameson of a gun said...

oh, sure. thank scott first. that's awesome. you know, "james and scott" would have at least been in alphabetical order...
just childing. i thought it was bloggeriffical.