Monday, August 1, 2011


Well lookie here...I'm blogging. Must be that the end of the world is coming. Or already passed. After all it is after May 21st. Anyway, I thought I'd post some random things I have been thinking about or rather some "Musings." Get it....ok, I'll assume you're not that stupid. So, good and bad, here we go.


Life - life is good. I know that sounds
cliché, but it really is. The thing is though, it's only good if you make it that way. So as Nike said, Just Do It.

Apples - I never realized how much I loved them, but they're so good. You can eat them plain or with cheese or peanut butter or in pie or as juice. The list goes on.

Friends - I've got some great ones. Don't be jealous...yours are probably pretty good too, but in a fight, I'm pretty sure my friends could beat up your friends.

Family - the friends that don't go away. (That's a good thing.) Seriously, what do people do without family. If you don't have one, let me know. Maybe I can loan you part of mine for a while.

Camping - It may sound torturous, but it's really a blast. Plus, I can have an excuse not to answer any calls or texts for a day or two.

Watching Disney songs on YouTube with my niece - she's adorable. Do I really need to say more?

Scott Bodily - because I was chatting with him while I wrote this and he asked if he was in it.

Some other know. Good stuff.


Financial Aid Office - It's been over a month and a half and they still can't get it right. Now I'm thinking, I'm going to be looking for a job soon.....can I just have yours?

Pain - it's good sometimes, because it lets you know that something is wrong, but a 10 month headache for no reason? I'm pretty sure that goes on the bad I think I did something to my thumb. Who knows what?

Pop songs that can say what you're thinking when you can't - it's slightly ridiculous and a little infuriating when some cheesy song can come up with my feelings better than me. *Sigh* I'm ashamed.

And now, to leave you with a song that I love a lot. Enjoy!
Send Me On My Way - Rusted Root

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