I have a confession to make. I don't eat sugar. I must be crazy right? Actually no. For the majority of the last 9 years of my life I have tried my darndest to cut sugar from my diet. It's not for fun, and it's not because I don't like sugar. In fact, I have one of the sweetest sweet tooths you've ever encountered. I love chocolate and pie and cake. I especially love brownies because they encase chocolate in a delicious baked good. So, if I love sugar so much, you may wonder why I don't eat it. It gives me migraines. This seems very reasonable to me. People who have diabetes don't eat sugar and people don't think they are freaks. If something makes you sick you don't do it right? Right.
Surprisingly, not everyone shares this same opinion. Most the time when I tell someone that I don't eat sugar I get one of a few responses. The first is, "you don't eat what? Seriously?" The second is, "wait, you don't like sugar? That's weird..." The third most common (and admittedly my favorite) is, "You don't eat sugar?! I would DIE!!!!" Then people get weird around me like I'm a leper or something. I promise you won't catch sugar intolerance for me. This strange behavior reminds me of a Jim Gaffigan sketch that I love, love, love. The sketch is referring to people that don't drink alcohol, but I think it also applies to my situation. Enjoy.
This morning I woke up and remembered this song. Annie and I got to sing in the choir that's performing it here when Elder Holland came to speak. What a great experience! I always feel so blessed and uplifted when I listen to this song and I thought I would share it. Enjoy!
It's been one of those weeks where I misunderstand everything people say. A couple of good ones were when my friend was talking about her hair and I think a towel. I thought she said something about her head in Nutella. While that would be delicious, it would be a little messy. Also, my stake president got up and asked, "What do you think heaven is like?" Of course I heard, "What do you think Kevin is like?" I don't know, but if he's cute I'd like to get to know him. Awesome.
Yes, it's a miracle. I'm blogging. I have been reprimanded for not having posted since last March.... :S and also for having a Halloween background. (Give me a break Sarah and Kevin!) I know this doesn't make sense, but allow me to explain. I did try to post in October, but the computer ate my post and I was way too lazy to type it again. I had already changed the background though, so I left it.
Well, on to this post! I've had The Beatles on my mind lately and for good reason. 1) They are awesome. 2) I'm singing in a concert today where the theme is Beatles. 3) They are awesome. In case you were unclear about anything above: The Beatles are awesome. Now, I'll be the first to admit that I don't know every single one of their songs, but all the ones I've heard I'm pretty much in love with. One that my friend introduced to me has become one of my all-time favorites. Thank you James. Actually, it's the one that we're singing at my concert today. I've included it below for your listening pleasure. I hope you enjoy.
So guys and gals....what do you think of The Beatles? Let me know your honest-to-goodness opinion. I warn you though....if you start ragging on them I might have to unleash the power of the word on you (I would do it in person, but this is a blog so it makes it harder.) Have a Beatlicious day!